Cave Raiders
Game Features
Exciting, dynamic gameplay
Based in an Indiana Jones-type universe
Minimal prep work and simple game mechanics
Six types of rewards/punishments
Works best with a target language that is Q&A (see Variations below for details)
How to Play
I usually play this game with teams, but feel free to play with pairs or individually depending on your class size.
For this game, in each round one team asks a question using the vertical boxes and chooses another team to answer using the horizontal boxes.
Where the two lines meet will be a cave. However, only one team can go in the cave and get the treasure.
So, the teams battle! One student from each team is chosen to do Rock, Paper, Scissors.
The winner gets to go in the cave and receive the reward (or sometimes punishment) for their team (the teacher clicks on the cave to go in).
The game continues until time is up or all caves are raided.
The team with the most coins at the end of the game wins!
Further instructions on how to play and edit the game can be found in the notes section of each slide.
I usually use this game with a target language that involves a question and an answer (ex. Are you happy? No, I’m sad. OR What time do you get up? I get up at 7:30.). However, you can also simply put vocabulary words or even letters (to practice phonics) in the boxes and have each student/team say the word or letter in the box they choose.
If you are looking for a similar game to use with a target language that is just sentences (not question and answer), I recommend you check out my Pirates of the Classroom game.