Level Up Game
Game Features
Clear, visual instructions
Card templates provided in the PowerPoint for both speaking and reading versions of the game
Easy to edit with your own material
Dynamic gameplay that keeps students engaged
Play as a reading or a speaking game - card templates for both versions included in the PowerPoint
How to Play
Students play this game individually and each student gets a set of six cards, each with a different level and image.
During the game, students stand up and hold a card to their forehead. Their task is to find someone of the same level (has the same card on their forehead).
Once finding another student of the same level, one person asks the target question and the other answers using the image on their card (since both cards are the same, it doesn’t matter which student asks the question as long as one answers with the picture on their card).
After saying the target language, they do rock, paper, scissors.
The winner moves up a level and the loser has to go all the way back to level one. They signify this by holding up a new card to their forehead.
Once a student reaches level 6, they can face the "boss," who is initially the teacher.
They say the target language with the teacher; play rock, paper, scissors; and if they win, that student becomes the new "boss."
The game continues with new bosses eventually coming into power until time is up (a boss who loses goes back to level 1).
NOTE: At the beginning of the game, all students start at level one.
The instructions above are for the speaking version of this game. If wanting to play it as reading game, use text on the game gards instead of images. The template for these cards are provided in the PowerPoint as well.
An alternate "boss" scenario is having students who beat the teacher sit down and are out of the game. I found this to be just as an enticing reward for students.
(NOTE: The runtime for this game can VARY because it has no set ending - "the boss" is a continuous rotation of students. I usually play until class time is up which often is about the last 15min.)
No runtime information has been submitted yet for this number of students. If you have used it with your students and would like to share how long it took to play, please fill out the form on the last tab. It would be very much appreciated and would be a big help to other teachers like you!