Soldiers and Ninjas
No additional font downloads needed
Game Features
Clear, visual instructions for students
Additional teacher's notes are included as the first slide (hidden) of the PowerPoint file
Editable sentence sheets are also included in the downloadable game file
Play as a reading or a speaking game
How to Play
Choose six students to be soldiers and one to be the king/queen. Give them each a sentence paper and have them stand in the front of the classroom as follows: S-S-S K/Q S-S-S.
The rest of the students are ninjas and make two lines in front of the soldiers at the ends of the left and right sides.
When the game starts, the first ninjas in line approach those soldiers. The soldiers first read the sentence on their side of the paper, then the ninjas read theirs on the other side of paper.
After reading, the soldier and ninja do rock, paper, scissors.
If the ninja loses, they have to go to the back of the other ninja line.
However, if the ninja wins, they move on to the next soldier in line (moving towards the king/queen) and repeat the process.
The goal is for the ninja to win against all the soldiers between them and the king/queen.
Once reaching the king/queen, they repeat the process (read then rps), and if they win, that ninja becomes the new king/queen!
The game then continues as new kings/queens come into power until the teacher decides it to be over.
The instructions above are for the reading version of this game. If you want to use it as a speaking activity, use images instead of text on the sentence sheets that the soldiers and king/queen hold.
(NOTE: The runtime for this game can VARY because it has no set ending - "the king/queen" is a continuous rotation of students. I usually play until class time is up which often is about the last 15-20min.)
No runtime information has been submitted yet for this number of students. If you have used it with your students and would like to share how long it took to play, please fill out the form on the last tab. It would be very much appreciated and would be a big help to other teachers like you!